1: 1. Boosts Immunity 2. Soothes Sore Throat 3. Natural Antioxidant 4. Aids Digestion 5. Heals Wounds

2: 1. Relieves Cough 2. Promotes Weight Loss 3. Reduces Allergy Symptoms 4. Supports Heart Health 5. Fights Against Bacteria

3: 1. Improves Skin Health 2. Calms Nervous System 3. Manages Blood Sugar 4. Enhances Athletic Performance 5. Strengthens Bones

4: 1. Prevents Respiratory Infections 2. Eases Arthritis Pain 3. Enhances Brain Function 4. Combats Acid Reflux 5. Alleviates Seasonal Allergies

5: 1. Treats Acne 2. Replenishes Energy 3. Supports Liver Health 4. Lowers Bad Cholesterol 5. Relieves Menstrual Cramps

6: 1. Reduces Inflammation 2. Improves Sleep Quality 3. Protects Against DNA Damage 4. Fights Common Cold 5. Balances pH Levels

7: 1. Soothes Indigestion 2. Promotes Healthy Hair 3. Alleviates Asthma Symptoms 4. Relieves Eczema 5. Boosts Metabolism

8: 1. Increases Fertility 2. Alleviates Acidic Stomach 3. Improves Eye Health 4. Assists in Detoxification 5. Reduces Risk of Cancer

9: 1. Controls Blood Pressure 2. Supports Healthy Aging 3. Strengthens the Immune System 4. Relieves Hangover Symptoms 5. Boosts Mental Focus.